Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trips to the water cooler...

Being a lab technician is weird in the sense that I think sometimes my boss forgets I exist.  It's kind of nice most of the time, since I can do things like update my blog, read other blogs, play Words with Friends, etc. but since he usually stops in the lab later on in the day I have to at least look busy.

Things I do to look busy:
Write in my lab notebook
Wash dishes
Calibrate scales
Sign off on our waste removal area
Go to the bathroom and run my hands under hot water for awhile (it's freakin' COLD in here!)
Check to see if my boss is still here
Go to the water cooler and fill up my bottle

The last one is key because I've been trying to drink two full bottles a day.  My bottles look like this:

They hold about 650mL of water, so two bottles a day is about 1.3L of water.  Drinking water doesn't seem like a big deal, but have you ever gone awhile without drinking enough water?  It makes me tired and cranky, so hydrate up!

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